Important information regarding your tax slips
This page contains information about tax slips and securities tax reporting that may be helpful to you and your tax professional
This page contains information about tax slips and securities tax reporting that may be helpful to you and your tax professional. Edward Jones expects to mail all tax slips to clients no later than March 31. Tax reporting for trust units and partnerships is more complex, and as a result, issuers have more time to provide us with final tax reporting information. Please consider this when scheduling your appointment with your tax advisor.
Explanation of tax slips and forms you may receive from Edward Jones
Non-registered accounts | |
Investment Income Summary | All investors who had dividend or interest entries posted to their accounts throughout the tax year will receive an Investment Income Summary.
Income from trust units or Canadian Treasury bills/U.S. Treasury bills is not reported on this document. Trust unit income is reported on the T3 Summary of Income, and Treasury bill income is reported on a Trading Summary that summarizes the T5008 information reported to the Canada Revenue Agency.
Note: Tax laws prohibit the netting of debits and credits. Investors may be able to use copies of their Investment Income Summary to claim the “Paid by You” amounts when filing their income tax returns. Borrowing charges are included in the “Paid by You” amounts. |
T5 Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who reside in Canada and receive investment income (e.g., dividends/interest) will receive a Canada Revenue Agency T5 Slip along with their Investment Income Summary. The deadline for mailing the T5 Slip is the last day of February. |
Relevé 3 Slip (Revenu Québec) | All investors who reside in Québec and receive investment income will receive a Revenu Québec Relevé 3 Slip in addition to a Canada Revenue Agency T5 Slip and their Investment Income Summary. The deadline for mailing the Relevé 3 Slip is the last day of February. |
T5008 Summary (Canada Revenue Agency), Trading Summary and Relevé 18 (Revenu Québec) | We are required by law to report to the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec (for Québec residents only) all proceeds of disposition from the sale of securities, including redemptions and maturities (including U.S. Treasury bills) for all investors for each tax year. Adjusted Cost Base information presented on the T5008 will also be reported to the CRA. Investors will also receive a Trading Summary that includes the gain/loss details, and purchase information. The deadline for mailing the T5008 Summary and Releve 18 Slips is the last day of February. |
Summary of Trust Income | All investors who are deemed to have received trust unit income and capital gains during the trust’s fiscal year will receive a Summary of Trust Income. Account types are consolidated on one summary (e.g., cash, margin, etc.).
A separate summary will be prepared for each currency. The entries are sorted by security and then in chronological order. Totals for each income type will appear at the end of the summary.
These totals are used to generate the entries that appear on the T3 and Relevé 16 Slips. |
T3 Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All Canadian resident investors who are deemed to have received trust unit income and capital gains during the trust’s fiscal year will receive a Canada Revenue Agency T3 Slip. The deadline for mailing the T3 Slip is the last day of March. |
Relevé 16 Slip (Revenu Québec) | All Québec residents who are deemed to have received trust unit income during the trust’s fiscal year will receive a Revenu Québec Relevé 16 Slip in addition to a Canada Revenue Agency T3 Slip. The deadline for mailing the Relevé 16 Slip is the last day of March. |
T5013 Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who are deemed to have received income from Canadian limited partnership units within the partnership’s fiscal year will receive a Canada Revenue Agency T5013 Slip. Generally the deadline for mailing the T5013 Slip is the last day of March. |
Relevé 15 Slip (Revenu Québec) | Holders of units of a limited partnership that conducts business in Québec or has at least one Québec resident partner who is deemed to have received income from limited partnership units within the partnership’s fiscal year will receive a Revenu Québec Relevé 15 Slip in addition to a Canada Revenue Agency T5013 Slip. Generally, the deadline for mailing the Relevé 15 Slip is the last day of March. |
Consolidated 1099 Tax Statement (U.S. Internal Revenue Service) | U.S. persons who have received investment income will receive a Form 1099-INT and/or 1099-DIV with an income summary. In addition, a Form 1099-B will be produced for the proceeds from dispositions or sale of securities. A copy of these forms will be sent to the Internal Revenue Service. In compliance with IRS requirements, every person must provide his or her Social Security number (SSN) to the requester. If your Form 1099 does not have your SSN, you should provide your Edward Jones advisor with a completed Form W-9. We will mail your Consolidated form 1099 by February 15. |
Mutual Funds | The fund companies should mail tax slips directly to the beneficial owners by no later than the last day of March. Income generated by investments in various mutual funds is reported on a Canada Revenue Agency T3 Slip (and a Revenu Québec Relevé 16 Slip for Québec residents) or a Canada Revenue Agency T5 Slip (and a Revenu Québec Relevé 3 Slip for Québec residents). Mutual fund securities are registered at the fund companies in our name in trust for the beneficial owner. |
Note: Distributions from trust units and limited partnership units can take various forms, including taxable dividends, interest, capital gains and foreign income, or a combination thereof. The frequency and type of distributions vary by trust unit and limited partnership unit. In the majority of cases, when distributions are announced, the trust or limited partnership does not know what portion should be applied to the various types. This information on the distribution split is usually not made available until March. Some are declared only a few days before the deadline. In certain situations, distributions declared and paid in the new year must be reported as income received in the previous year.
We will mail the Summary of Trust Unit Income and the corresponding T3 and Relevé 16 Slips as well as the T5013 and Relevé 15 Slips by the corresponding deadlines. Please keep this in mind when scheduling your appointment with your tax professional.
Registered Accounts | |
RRSP Contribution Receipts (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who made contributions to registered accounts, including rollovers and retiring allowances contributions, will receive a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) Contribution Receipt. Receipts for contributions made through the remainder of the year will be mailed in mid-January. Receipts for contributions made in the first 60 days of the following year, will be mailed monthly starting in February. |
T4RIF Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who received distributions from a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) will receive a Canada Revenue Agency T4RIF Slip. The deadline for mailing the T4RIF Slip is the last day of February. |
T4RSP Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who received distributions from an RRSP will receive a Canada Revenue Agency T4RSP Slip. The deadline for mailing the T4RSP Slip is the last day of February. |
Relevé 2 Slip (Revenu Québec) | All Québec residents who received distributions from an RRIF or RRSP will receive a Revenu Québec Relevé 2 Slip in addition to a Canada Revenue Agency T4RIF or T4RSP Slip. The deadline for mailing the Relevé 2 Slip is the last day of February. |
Non-Canadian residents | |
NR4 Slip (Canada Revenue Agency) | All investors who are deemed non-residents of Canada and receive investment income in non-registered accounts or a disposition from a registered account will receive a Canada Revenue Agency NR4 Slip. In addition to the income amounts, any applicable Canadian non-resident tax that was withheld in the taxation year is also reported. The deadline for mailing the NR4 Slip is the last day of March. |
If you have additional questions not answered on this page, please contact the appropriate source for answers:
- Questions regarding your Edward Jones tax slips and investment questions not related to taxation: Contact your local Edward Jones branch office.
- Tax advice or preparation of your tax return: Contact your tax professional, the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec.
Important Information:
This summary of important year-end tax filing information is for general information only. All taxpayers should consult their independent tax advisor for guidance in their particular situation and/or consult the applicable Canada Revenue Agency/Revenu Québec regulations and publications for more definitive advice.
Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your lawyer or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.