Tune out news during stressful times

Your phone dings. Another news alert. Do you reach for your phone immediately, eager to see the latest update? While technology makes it tempting to stay connected 24/7, sometimes the best thing you can do for your health – and your long-term financial strategy – is to tune it out. Here are some ways to tune out negativity during uncertain times.

Put down the phone and turn off the news. Allow yourself just one hour of news time each day, preferably in the middle of the day. This ensures you don't start or end your day anxious. It's important to stay informed, but once a day should suffice.

Focus on the positive. List the top five (or more) things you're grateful for each day. Your list may be the same from day to day or it could change based on the past day's experience. It could be as simple as being thankful for the roof over your head or a smile from a stranger as you walk your neighborhood.

Get physical. You've probably heard it before, and that's because it's true – physical activity is just as healthy for your mind as it is for your body. This doesn't mean you have to train for a marathon or become a yoga guru. Start small. Simply going for a walk or doing basic stretches can help keep your mind and body at their best.

Connect with family and friends. Having a strong support system is important during good times, but even more so during challenging ones. Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while to see how they're doing. Send a text or card or give them a call. If your family is spread out across the country, use digital apps to connect and play games.

Stick to a schedule. When you're stressed, it often takes a toll on your sleep schedule. Keeping a consistent routine can help. Get up and go to bed at the same times each day, even on weekends. Know your stress triggers and pay attention when you notice them flaring up.

While it's important to be aware of what's going on in the world, focusing on the bad news won't help your financial strategy or your health. Remember, you're in it for the long term.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. 

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